
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2019

Mist Fan Rental Services in Indonesia

Mist Fan Rental Services in Indonesia - Who says Misty Fan isn't good at cooling your room? Even though today many people prefer to use air conditioning as the preferred air conditioner, the function of Misty Fan itself is actually no less good than AC. If the AC converts the air too cold by utilizing the freon then throws the hot air out, Misty Fan works by taking water from the tube and then flowing it into the fan vane which eventually the water breaks and breaks down. This decomposed water becomes a mist of water and stabilizes the room temperature. If you notice, both have the same function to stabilize the room. So there's actually nothing better and worse here. Maybe in terms of new technology, it can be said that the fan mist is more traditional than the AC. If you see this, then you need to pay attention to electricity usage. As we know the higher the technology used, usually the greater the use of electric power. As in this case, the use of AC electricity is far more...

Misty Fan Rental Service for Events in Indonesia

The Best Misty Fan Rental Service for Events in Indonesia - Have you ever felt hot weather and it didn't feel very friendly to the body. But the weather can turn out to be friendly if the weather is drizzling. Ever? Why did it happen? This can occur because the raindrops that fall and spread evenly to various locations make the air temperature normal and stable. This is very similar to our daily situation. If our room feels hot, it is because the air circulation is not smooth or because the weather around is hot. To stabilize the air temperature, air conditioning is needed. At present, there are 2 types of air conditioners that are popular enough to cool and stabilize room temperature. The first is the fan and the second is the air conditioner (AC). If you are an Event Organizer or business person who is engaged in the MICE industry, you will often manage an event. Certainly, in the event, it is mandatory to use an air conditioning system so that invited guests remain at home foll...

AC Rental for Events in Indonesia

AC Rental for Events in Indonesia - The Jakarta and Bali regions are some of the cities where many large and prestigious events have sprung up. Both local and international artists often come to these cities to fill in various events. Every event is held in this city, it must always be crowded with hundreds to thousands of visitors. Apart from the problem of access to transportation, the number of visitors who are always happy makes this city always the 'chosen' city for various events. If you are engaged in the MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition) Industry, you must know about this. Usually, MICE industry businesses need air conditioning and electrical service companies to support various events held. If you are a MICE Industry businessman and need air conditioning and electrical services, then you can try working with Arthur Teknik. AC Rental Place in Jakarta - Bali Arthur Teknik is a professional company engaged in the MICE Industry. Arthur Teknik provide...

The Best AC Rental Company in Indonesia

The Best AC Rental Service in Indonesia - Air Conditioner, or what we call AC, is an air conditioner, which at the moment it feels compulsory for us to always use it to always feel comfortable in the room. Along with the development of time, now AC is also being used in an event both indoor and outdoor. The use of AC is also intended to make the invited guests comfortable and feel at home for the event. In an event held, usually the event owner uses the services of a third party to provide air conditioning for the purpose of cooling the room. So that the event organizer usually just accepts it from the third party. For those of you who want something like that, you can try collaborating with the Arthur Engineering company. This company is able to support you regarding air conditioning and electricity issues. The services owned by Arthur Teknik include generator rental services, AC rental services, misty fan rental services, and booth electrical installation services. By collaborating ...

Air Conditioner Rental Service in Indonesia

Air Conditioner Rental Service in Indonesia - Behind successful events there are always teams behind the scenes who are prepared to keep the event running as it should. Spectacular events don't just create themselves instantly. It takes careful planning and neatly structured so that the results can be impressive and run smoothly. One of the factors that make an event run comfortably and smoothly is the air temperature factor. The hot air will make the event you hold become arid and make visitors uncomfortable with the condition. If the event lasts long, it is not impossible that many visitors will come home quickly because they are not comfortable with the air temperature. The solution to this problem is to add an Air conditioner. Adequate Air Conditioner and spread at various points will make the air temperature in your event room cool enough and friendly. No need to buy an Air Conditioner if the events you hold are only temporary. Simply rent an Air Conditioner and let ...

Generator Set Rental Services in Indonesia

Generator Set Rental Services in Indonesia - For those of you who often organize events or for those of you who do have a business in the MICE industry, surely you often feel worried about the event held. This anxiety arose out of fear whether the event would run successfully or not. Of course, your reputation will be accounted for here. Some of the causes of the event can fail usually there are two, the first preparation is less mature and the second is supporting the event that is not maximal. Like for example on electricity problems. Have you ever imagined what would happen to your event if in the midst of its implementation there was an event of power outages? Surely the event will be stopped and can only be continued if the electricity flows back. This is different if you have a standby generator that supports your event. When there is a power outage, the generator set that has been prepared to support your event will immediately replace the power outage. So that your event will...

How Generator Set Works and What’s Benefits?

How Generator Set Works and What’s Benefits - On previous occasions we discussed generator sets. Starting from an explanation of what a generator is, then we also discuss the history of generators and how the generator works. You can try the article check here: Get to know the generator and its function On this occasion we will try to discuss again about the generator set or generator set. Our discussion this time is about the genset work system and the benefits of the generator set to support a variety of your business needs. For a more complete discussion about the work system and the benefits of the generator, you can read the full below. Genset Work System Understanding something will be much easier if you understand how something works. Because of that, in this initial discussion we will discuss the Genset work system. How does the generator work? Genset works by processing fuel that is inserted into the engine and then converted into electrical energy. It is ...

Know the Usefulness and Function of Generator Sets

If you are a mechanical engineer or someone who understands electricity, it might be familiar with the generator set. Do you know what a Generator Set is? If described, then we will get 2 words. The first-word generator and the second is Set. The generator itself is a machine that is used to generate electricity while the set itself means a unit of the existing circuit. That means the Generator Set is a series of machines put together to generate electric power. The electric power produced has a certain amount and uses KVA units for its mention. For example 40Kva, 60Kva, 80Kva, 100Kva, etc. This machine that produces electric power usually works by burning on the inside so that the engine moves to produce electricity. Usually, this generator set engine uses fuels such as gasoline or diesel. So if it can be concluded, this generator set is a series of machines that work kinetic to produce electrical energy from diesel fuel or gasoline. History of Generator Sets The Early...