
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2019

Jakarta Genset Rental

Jakarta Genset Rental | At present, the demand for electricity needs continues to increase. Increasing demand with limited power capacity certainly requires additional resources that can meet those needs. Especially if used in a place that is still not supported by adequate resources. Like for example in the field of development projects. Does Arthur Teknik provide Genset Rental Services and Genset Rental Services with Diesel Genset types ranging from 40 kVA to 350 kVA in Silent and Arthur's technique of having synchronized Genset, is synchronization? Synchronize (also called Parallel Operation) Generator is a combination of two or more generators of electricity output, to jointly supply power to the road network. A simple example, 2 generator units each with a capacity of 250KVA can be synchronized to jointly lift a load of 500 KVA. We meet the needs of large and medium scale electricity for indoor and outdoor events with various types of generators that you can adjust t...

Portable Air Conditioning Rental Jakarta - Bali

Portable Air Conditioning Rental Jakarta - Bali | Portable air conditioning is one of the air conditioners that attracts a lot of attention because it is not mounted on the ceiling or the wall above the floor. This air conditioner can stand up and move with the help of the wheels below. Although not commonly installed at home, this portable air conditioner will be very useful when your house arrives with many guests. Portable air conditioners are usually used at events such as wedding receptions, office events, open houses, exhibitions and so on which do require air conditioners that can be placed and moved flexibly at some point in the planned event to provide comfort in an event. Not only that, but portable air conditioners are also suitable for placing in multi-story buildings such as buildings or houses. For those of you who want to hold a party event in tall buildings or at home and want to keep the air temperature cool you can use Portable Air Conditioning. For those of...

Misty Fan Rental Services Jakarta - Bali

Misty fan Rental Jakarta - Bali | Arthur Teknik is a company engaged in rental generator sets, portable air conditioners, electricity booths, and especially Misty Fan, We are a Rental or professional service provider that provides services to customers with satisfying services. We will provide services and solutions that are fast and appropriate for customers in overcoming problems encountered. Today's society has many events held outdoors such as in the park, poolside and beachside to get the best moments such as weddings, birthdays, and so on. But it will definitely be uncomfortable if we do outdoor shows but are constrained by hot weather, of course, you don't want your invited guests to feel uncomfortable because the air temperature on your show is too hot. For that, there must be a solution to prevent this. The solution is to use the Misty Fan Jakarta rental service. The misty fan in the middle of the community is often referred to, as a Cooling Fan, Blower Fan, ...

Generator Rental For Events

Generator Rental For Events   | To celebrate a great event, a large supply of electricity is needed. Events such as music concerts, weddings, exhibitions, etc. Therefore, generator sets are needed to support high mobility in an event. The need for electricity for events is very important and vital, events such as weddings, birthday parties, exhibitions, music concerts, bazaars, etc. These events really need a lot of electricity, how not? For example, music concerts, medium-scale music concerts also require very large electricity, because the electronic equipment used is not small, all types of musical instruments need electricity, for example, the use of electric guitars, bass, batteries, keyboards, and others, not to mention sound systems, and lighting. Large electricity needs will be very high if they are only supplied from hotel electricity obtained at that place, that won’t even be enough, that’s why we want to offer the best solution to your problem regarding electric...

How to make a festive birthday party

How to make a festive birthday party | Commemorating birthdays is fun, especially if you celebrate with a partner. Will be happier again right? Indeed celebrating the birthday is not mandatory especially for those of you who are old, but it's okay if you want to celebrate. But of course, there will be many things that you will prepare. Well, here are tips on making a festive birthday party. 1. Determine Your Budget The first way is you must first determine the amount of the budget for your party budget. It is very important to manage all the funds needed, not to make a party that is simple but takes a big budget. Calculating this budget you can do far before the party day, you can think of the budget a month before the H day. 2. Make an Event Invitation The second way is to make a list of people who will be invited, you can say this is very important because then the person you want to invite can know that you have a birthday party. Costs incurred to make an invit...

4 Steps to Make Contemporary Art Performances

4 Steps to Make Contemporary Art Performances  | Does your school or campus plan to make a pension? The opportunity to get involved in performing Arts is a valuable experience. This will be a good introduction for those of you who are still in school or college. But of course there will be many challenges that you will face, especially those of you who do not have the experience and insight in holding a performing Arts, so here are 5 tips for making a contemporary performing arts. 1. Create an interesting concept The first tip to make a contemporary pension is to make an interesting concept by the interests of today's children and of course concepts that are not marketable. The number of similar events held by other schools or campuses makes you have to be more creative before you have to have a goal from the performing Arts you made. With the concept and purpose, you become more focused. You must find out the latest trends that are loved and by the target visitors...

How to Make a Wedding Party

How to Make a Wedding Party | Do you want to make a wedding? If so, there are several things you must remember. This article will give tips on making your marriage a big success so you will remember it forever. Wedding parties are special events that you have to plan carefully. Making a wedding requires a lot of preparation, whether in terms of material and mental, here is how to make a wedding: 1. Invitation The first tip when you invite someone to your wedding, do not invite him suddenly. People have their own busy lives, so if you want to make changes related to the wedding party plan that you will hold, make sure you change it well before your wedding day. 2. Theme of Marriage The second tip is to determine the theme of marriage, you can start by choosing a theme with your favorite color and it can also be the theme of your favorite movie, or anything special between you and your partner. Make an interesting theme that can make your invitation amazed by your wedding...

An Easy Way to Become an Event Organizer for a Music Concert

An Easy Way to Become an Event Organizer for a Music Concert | Are you interested in hosting a business event? This business does have a good one. Because let EO needs people who want to hold a big event. Starting from birthdays, weddings and music concerts. Becoming an EO is very challenging because you have to hone creativity and intelligence to create interesting and preferred concepts for clients. Well, here are tips on becoming an event organizer. 1. Having high creativity First you must have creativity, this is the biggest challenge in the EO business, if you want to win the competition, you must be different from other EO businessmen. Dare to design an event with ideas as attractive as possible. 2. Negotiator In addition to having to have high creativity, you also have to have the ability to negotiate and communicate well. Good communication is very important at an event, so clients can know your ideas and thoughts clearly and avoid miscommunication. 3. Have Comple...

5 Ways to Make a Photography Exhibition

5 Ways to Make a Photography Exhibition | Hello, a friend in this article we will discuss the 5 stages of making a photography exhibition. A photography exhibition is an activity to introduce the work you make to visitors intending to obtain their aspirations or arrangement. Well, this is the 5 stages that you have to think about for those of you who want to make a photography exhibition either in the gallery or in the public space. For those of you who don't know, let's look at the 5 steps below: 1. Qualified collection The first stage is that you must have a good collection of photography works even though your work is not as good as a professional photographer, but it is very important to choose the best work for you to show off. You must choose a work that is good and interesting as possible to show off. It is not possible that the work you are exhibiting is not your best work. 2. Gallery space The second stage is to make the gallery space as attractive as possibl...

5 ways to make booths visited many people

5 ways to make booths visited many people | on this occasion, let's discuss how to make a crowded booth visit. Discussing the exhibition must have imagined a crowded place visited by people and business people who opened the booth. The exhibition is the fastest way to market products to consumers. But it's important to know that taking part in an exhibition takes a lot of money, apart from the cost of renting the booth itself. Therefore you need a mature strategy in making the exhibition booth more attractive and can attract attention to stop by your booth or just ask questions, and here are 5 ways to make the booth crowded to visit. 1. Check the strategic location The first is to choose a strategic location, this is very important because with you in a lot of locations, visitors don't close the possibility that many visitors will point to your booth to ask questions or buy the product you are selling. If you sell luxury products then the target market is midd...

5 Steps to Invite Artists into an Event

5 Steps to Invite Artists into an Event | Have a plan to make a different event soon? Don't worry, in this article, we will try to discuss it. Articles today will discuss what steps you can take to invite artists to an event. Inviting the artist to the program you are holding will make the event more different than usual. Indeed this is what should be done by professional event organizers, being able to make a different event than usual. Because different events compared to other events will be able to attract the attention of many people. If you want to invite an artist to an event and don't know what steps to take, then look at a few points below: 1. Make a Concept and Schedule The first step you can take to invite an artist to an event is to make sure that the concept and arrangement of the program you have made are mature. This is important to give an idea to the artist you are inviting. Do not when you have invited the artist, but in the implementation, the...

How to Make a Music Concert Event

How to Make a Music Concert Event | Making a music concert is a challenge that not everyone can get. Only people involved in the MICE industry usually get this opportunity. If you are currently facing this challenge and required to make this event is successful, then don't worry. Because, in this article we will discuss how to make a successful music concert. Maybe you are wondering, why do we have to make our own music concerts? Why don't we just use event organizer services? Actually you can do that, but if you want to get your own experience and know the process and the ins and outs of how to make a successful music concert, then it doesn't hurt to know how. Here are some ways you can use to create a successful music concert event: 1. Create a Creative Concept The first way you can do and the most basic of all is to make a concept for your music concert. In Indonesia, there have been many music concert events held, you just need to find out what concepts are ...

Tips for Making Performing Arts Successful at Schools

Tips for Making Performing Arts Successful at Schools | In Indonesia there are usually a number of school held on performing arts for various purposes. There is indeed something to enliven the atmosphere, there is indeed a goal to hone the creativity of students, there are also those who hold art performances to increase the prestige of their schools. This event was held in junior high school and high school, if you want to find interesting experience, there's nothing wrong with joining this senior stage committee to jointly make this performing arts. It's not easy, but it doesn't mean it's too difficult to do. If you think this is too difficult, then don't worry. It’s why in this article we will try to discuss tips on making a successful senior school. How is that and the tips? Please read the following points: 1. Have an Exclusive Theme The first tips for you who are difficult to make a performance arts remain calm and are thinking creatively. Beca...

Guide How to Create Event Organizer Business

Guide How to Create Event Organizer Business | Event Organizer or EO is a business that is run to take care of an event to run as it should. EO is usually used because many people who don't want to bother deal with a lot of things. This business has become a lot of enthusiasts, because it is predicted that this business will always be needed wherever and whenever. Actually this business is same as other businesses. As long you know the knowledge to run this business, you can immediately create this business. For this reason, this article was made so that those of you who want to run an event organizer business and don't know how to do it can read the guidelines in this article.  Immediately, here is a guide to creating a business event organizer that you can practice directly: 1. Knowing How it Works The first thing you should know is to understand how the event organizer works. With minimal experience it will certainly make you run this business with a myriad...

4 Tips Success for Participating in an Exhibition

4 Tips Success for Participating in an Exhibition | Often participated in exhibitions but have not getting something about your business? It could be wrong strategy or do not understand the knowledge. To help those of you who are fixing this problem, on this occasion we will try to discuss the tips for success in participating in the exhibition. It is difficult to make a useful exhibition for a business that you are currently running difficult. The key is in the way you can do so that many people are attracted to your stand. It may be difficult if you are not used to it. But believe me, your compilation can be understood, everything will be easier. Then what can you do to bring these visitors? The following are tips that you can do to succeed when you take part in the exhibition:  1. Find a Strategic Location The first tip you can do to successfully attend an exhibition is to find a strategic location. A strategic location will help your stand to be seen by many people...

7 Product Branding Ideas at Exhibition

7 Product Branding Ideas at Exhibition | The exhibition is a place to exhibit a work of both art and a product. The concept of the exhibition itself is to gather many people somewhere to see the works on display. Because of the large number of items on display, usually only certain works or products are in demand, glimpsed and remembered by visitors. In this case, if you want a product that you have seen and remembered by many people, then the solution is to compare the product at the exhibition. How to compare products during the exhibition? Here we have summarized ideas that you can use to compare products at the exhibition: 1.) Uniform The first idea that you can use to compare your product is to use your team uniform. The uniform nature that is always used and moves in many directions is an alternative promo method that you can use to compare your products. If you hold an exhibition, make sure your team has a special uniform. Make a uniform that contains your brand. Make ...

4 Success Factors Event You Should to Know

Gambar – 4 Success Factors Event You Should to Know | Who says making a successful event is difficult? The reality is not like that, anyone can succeed in making an event. It's just there are a number of factors that you need to know so that the event that you will hold can be successful. On this article we will try to discuss these factors. There are 5 factors that we will discuss, here are 5 factors that determine the success of your event: 1. Planning The first factor is planning, of course, everything starts from a plan. If you hold an event without careful planning, the event you are holding can miss in several parts. For example, such as poor communication, lack of equipment, over budget, and others. So, the first factor that you need to pay attention when you want to organize an event is to first plan it out. 2. Marketing The factor that determines the success of your next event is marketing. Of course the event you make will not flood visitors if yo...