How To Care Diesel Genset

How To Care Diesel Genset | Genset is vital equipment in the world where the demand for electricity is very high at this time. We have all seen on the news that energy reserves for natural resources continue to shrink and demand continues to increase, which will result in far more power cuts which cause damage in many homes and businesses.

Diesel Genset is a generator that is durable, reliable, and sturdy, which makes it ideal to operate for hours as a power source, either as standby power or during emergency power requirements. The generator can withstand heavy loads for a long time, providing the security you need.

Diesel generators used for prime or backup (emergency) power - must be maintained regularly to ensure they provide quality power for a lifetime. Just like other equipment, diesel engines need proper maintenance so that they last longer and work continuously. Therefore it is advisable to carry out annual maintenance, with a reliable generator service provider to ensure regular preventive maintenance. And here is how to care diesel generator set:

1. Testing the Machine

The engine in your diesel generator set will be placed under strong pressure due to the load. Routine tests are very important to keep your engine lubricated, which prevents the oxidation of vital parts of the engine, as well as the use of fuel without leaving it empty. This engine test ensures that your generator set is in a good performance and without obstacles.

2. Accu Testing

The battery must be fully charged and properly maintained to avoid a lack of power. Constant inspection and testing are very important to know the current status of your battery, to avoid start-up problems from diesel generators. Another important element of Accu / battery maintenance is keeping it clean.

3. System

Fuel in the filter needs to be dried periodically to allow steam, water, and dust to be drained from the reservoir. It is recommended that you replace your fuel every six to twelve months, to avoid fuel drop and contamination. If you store diesel fuel for a long time, especially for critical applications, you need to take the right steps to maintain the quality of your fuel. The combination of modern diesel with bio-diesel content can begin to deteriorate within 6 months after delivery. The threat of contaminated diesel fuel poses a risk of power in applications being critical and is something that must be maintained to extend the life of your generator set.

4. Cooling system

The coolant level must always be checked. After turning off the engine, it is recommended that you remove the radiator cap to cool the engine. The outside of the cooler must be checked to check for clogging and dirt.

5. Lubrication

Engine oil must be checked when the generator is turned off periodically. Besides this oil and filter must also be changed at recommended time intervals. The key element to consider is the danger of used lubricating oil waste for the environment, therefore waste disposal must be carried out appropriately to avoid danger to the environment.

6. General Inspection

While running a diesel generator, it is important to monitor the exhaust system, fuel system, DC power system, and engine. Any visible leakage must be repaired to prevent danger when the engine is in use.

Thus the information we can convey to you about how to bring diesel generators. As a reminder for you, Arthur Teknik is a generator provider or tenant company for project or event needs and not only Arthur Teknik generators also rent misty fans, portable Ac, and electrical service Booth. Arthur Teknik has handled large events such as Asian para games and Java Jazz On The Move. If you are interested in using the services of a generator, misty fan, or portable Ac rental from Arthur Teknik you can consult in advance by coming directly to our office located in Jakarta or contacting the contact below:

Phone 1 : +6281316854183 (Jakarta)
Phone 2 : +628111836468 (Jakarta)
Phone 3 : +6281210463637 (Jakarta)
Phone 4 : +62818960565 (Bali)

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